The Hummingbird and Bluebird classes put on a wonderful Thanksgiving performance in late November. These students are all both part of our Half-Day Kindergarten program, an after-school class for younger students and beginning Chinese learners. Each class shared what they had learned through a mini-book and two songs.
The Bluebird class first showed off their book "The Farm Story," about the different animals found on a farm. They also sang the songs "Old MacDonald Had a Farm" (in Chinese, of course!) and "Love You, Love You."
The Hummingbird class shared their book "The Thanksgiving Story," through which they had learned the names foods of we eat at Thanksgiving. They also practiced saying "Thank you!" to members of their family through the vocabulary introduced the book. They then sang two songs, "Thank You" and "The Fruit Song," to close out the evening of performances.
We are so proud of our Half-Day Kindergarten students!