Professors Eduardo Munoz-Munoz and Helene Chan discussed the meaning of bi-literacy and the influence of bi-literacy in and out of the classroom on our session 2 community learning webinar held on October 3. Participants engaged in discussions sharing what languages they speak and their personal experiences with bilingualism and bi-literacy. The professors discussed the importance of natural language exposure and the importance of setting up a strong foundation to promote bi-literacy at home by loving your children unconditionally, setting up discipline and a clear structure, helping to build ownership at home and in the community, and unplugging the electrical device as much as possible. The professors also shared parental tips on how to create a literacy-rich environment to allow children to think and act holistically about literacy and to stay positive and encouraging throughout their learning journey.
define success for your child on your own terms
maintain playtime, downtime, and family time
being mindful not to over-schedule
volunteering at school
attending meetings with teachers and working together with other community members
seeking cultural events outside of school to learn more about the culture that they are learning about
At the end of the session, the professors shared some resources with the participants and asked participants to review the provided resources and prepare to share one resource with the community during the next session.